Career Day 2015
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Career Day 2015

Themed ‘Just Career it’, the Career Day 2015 was successfully organised by the Department of Student and Alumni Affairs on the 14th May 2015, bringing together students and alumni of the International Faculty with more than 40 company representatives – at a local, national and international level - from a variety of industry sectors. The event was took place at the Information and Learning Commons (ILC) at the main campus of the Faculty in Thessaloniki.

Career Day 2015Career Day 2015

Despite the economic crisis, participating employers came ready to offer internships and employment opportunities to our students and graduates in the immediate future. Some of the companies that participated in this year’s Career Day were: Pepsico Greece, KPMG, Adecco, YMCA, AB Vassilopoulos, Alumil, ICAP, Manpower, Randstad and many more.

Career Day 2015Career Day 2015

Our students and graduates met employers and head hunters face-to-face, had the opportunity to present their CV and market themselves, to discuss matters concerning the job market, to network, to seek career opportunities and get a real-life experience of the interview process.

The feedback from companies’ representatives was very positive, all reporting how impressed they were from the students they interviewed, their professional approach and their value in the job market.

Career Day 2015Career Day 2015

Mr George Stilas, Organised Retail Supervisor at Pepsico Greece commented on the company’s participation in the Career Day είπε: “We are impressed by our participation in the Career Day of CITY College. We interviewed many students and we believe we are going to have a very positive outcome.”

The Annual Career Day has become a tradition at the International Faculty aiming at enhancing students’ employability skills and connection to the job market and also at bringing the industry closer to academia for a fruitful and mutually beneficial relationship and exchange. The Career Day comes in line with our Faculty’s strategic goals and mission for extroversion and connection with the industry.

Career Day 2015Career Day 2015

We are proud to say that the Career Day was the jump-start many of our graduates now enjoying a successful career in Greece, Europe and all over the world.

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Career Day 2015

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