Seminar on ‘Taking your career to the next level’ by Dr Szamosi in Bucharest
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Seminar on ‘Taking your career to the next level’ by Dr Szamosi in Bucharest

Dr Szamosi, Academic Director of our Executive MBA programme delivered another successful and inspiring HR seminar entitled “Taking your career to the next level: 10 ‘how to’ tips for young managers”. The event took place 15 May 2015 in Bucharest at the Hilton Hotel with great success.

Dr Szamosi delivered an HR seminar entitled “Taking your career to the next level: 10 ‘how to’ tips for young managers”

Dr Szamosi shared his expertise and discussed 10 ways managers uplift their career in times of crisis. “There is no direct, easy to apply framework, simple ‘best practices’ that can be learnt” said Dr Szamosi and continued to present 10 useful tips that experience shows that work for the ones who wish to grow their career.

The big ‘takeaway' besides the 10 tips was the idea to BUILD a career:

Best: be the best at everything you do in relation to your career
Understand where you are and where you want to get to
Initiative: take initiatives whenever possible
Learn; continue to learn
Develop: always look at opportunities as a way to develop your skills

CEOs who have graduated from the University of Sheffield International Faculty and top managers talking about how they achieved top positions

In the frame of the event a second session entitled “My Journey to the Top” took place with CEOs who have graduated from the University of Sheffield International Faculty and top managers talking about how they achieved top positions.

The seminar was well-attended by many Romanian HR managers and entrepreneurs.

Dr Leslie Szamosi on
Dr Leslie Szamosi on


Seminar on ‘Taking your career to the next level’ by Dr Szamosi in Bucharest



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