Seminar entitled "Foreign Language Classroom Dilemmas: Teach(er) or Manage(r)?" in Prishtina
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Seminar entitled "Foreign Language Classroom Dilemmas: Teach(er) or Manage(r)?" in Prishtina

Dr Paschalia Patsala, Head of English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, delivered an Invited Speech to students and Academic Staff at the English Studies Faculty, University of Prishtina. The presentation was entitled "Foreign Language Classroom Dilemmas: Teach(er) or Manage(r)?" and was warmly attended by more than 70 final-year students.   

Dr Paschalia Patsala, Head of English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, delivered an Invited Speech to students and Academic Staff at the English Studies Faculty, University of Prishtina

During her talk, Dr Patsala shared her experience in relation to daily dilemmas that foreign language teachers meet in their classes of various levels and age groups, and she discussed with participants in an interactive manner how an English language teacher can increase student active engagement and assist learners in improving their academic performance, ensuring them at the same time a constructive and creative learning experience. 

Dr Paschalia Patsala, Head of English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, delivered an Invited Speech to students and Academic Staff at the English Studies Faculty, University of Prishtina

This Presentation also marks the beginning of the collaboration between the English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College and the English Studies Department of the University of Prishtina, and opens up opportunities for collaboration between the Academic Staff of the two Faculties in the future.

Seminar: 'Foreign Language Classroom Dilemmas:  Teach(er) or Manage(r)?' offered by the English Studies Department of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College

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