16th Students Spring Symposium
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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16th Students Spring Symposium

A great event for students by students

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On 18 May 2017 CITY College, the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield successfully held for the 16th Students Spring Symposium at its main campus in Thessaloniki aiming at enhancing student research and showcasing remarkable research projects. Entitled ‘Create to Share, Share to Inspire’ the Symposium was part of the ‘2nd Young Researchers Skills Development Week’, an event that celebrated academic research and featured a series of research-related workshops and activities. As always, the Symposium was organised for students by students being one of the major events and traditions of the International Faculty.

CITY College, the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield successfully held for the 16th Students Spring Symposium

With more than 160 registrations, 14 high quality student presentations, a workshop on “hate speech” and a plenary talk by the Mayor of Naousa, Mr Nikos Koutsogiannis, the Students Spring Symposium this year was characterised by its high quality, quality that can now easily match that of a professional conference.  Furthermore, the Symposium this year innovated with a new addition, the open competition. In the competition two teams composed of students from different disciplines presented a problem related to the migration crisis, and suggested a solution. The completion was judged by two invited guests from NGOs. The two judges were extremely impressed by the work of the teams, the quality and depth of the presentations, and especially the suggested solutions.

CITY College, the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield successfully held for the 16th Students Spring Symposium

16th Students Spring Symposium - Mayor of Naousa, Mr Nikos Koutsogiannis16th Students Spring Symposium

The Symposium concluded with the announcement of the best three presentations that won a prize from the event’s sponsors, and the Open Competition’s winners:

Winning Presentations

Ali Honoramiz

Edoardo Brizi & Ioannis Liakouras
‘New Package - The Case of Fin Carre

Ardea Xhema & Natyra Xharavina
‘Innovative Tailored Apparel Store “Suits’

Open Competition’s on ‘Dealing with Migration’ Winners

Theodore Sullivan Cassidy and Ester Hoxha
Refugee camps & R.I.S.S- A mobile application solution to camp life


16th Students Spring Symposium 16th Students Spring Symposium

16th Students Spring Symposium 16th Students Spring Symposium

The International Faculty, CITY College, congratulates all students that organised the Students’ Spring Symposium this year.



To view more photos from the event please see the link below:

16th Students Spring Symposium photo gallery




Special thanks to our sponsors:



Students Spring Symposium 2017 - Special thanks to our sponsors


Students Spring Symposium 2017 - Special thanks to our sponsors


Students Spring Symposium 2017


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