“SURE Showcase 2017”: An event organised by students for students!
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“SURE Showcase 2017”: An event organised by students for students!

February 28th marked not only the beginning of the Spring semester but also the first Spring Personal and Professional Development seminar offered by the International Faculty CITY College Research Club in collaboration with the English Studies Department.

What is most encouraging and warrants applause is that this Open Seminar titled “SURE Showcase 2017” exhibited the active engagement of our students in research projects; its ultimate aim was to raise awareness towards the SURE Scheme and share their experience of research opportunities with fellow students and staff members.

“SURE Showcase 2017”: An event organised by students for students!

The presenters of the Showcase include Ms. Maria Gourmou, Level-3 student of the English Studies Department and Team Leader of Research Club, Mr. Arlind Avdullahi, Level-3 student of the Computer Science Department, as well as the Vice-Principal of Learning and Teaching, Prof. Petros Kefalas and the Head of the English Studies Department, Dr Paschalia Patsala.

“SURE Showcase 2017”: An event organised by students for students!

Prof. Kefalas opened the seminar series by providing an overview of and the latest developments of the SURE Scheme as well as the differences between SURE: Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience and the SURE International Faculty Exchange, highlighting how both pose as incredible opportunities for students to conduct research in areas and topics of their interest. Ms. Gourmou then proceeded by offering concise information and explanations of what the SURE Scheme is, what dates interested parties need to pay attention to, an outline of the steps one needs to follow in order to apply. Both she and Mr. Avdullahi shared their research experiences, emphasising how the process has its challenges and some moments of frustration but overall, the experience as a whole was a rewarding one and one that both feel has prepared them for more extensive research projects. In addition to sharing their experience, the Showcase also posed as an opportunity to exhibit the students’ Poster Dissemination Projects.

“SURE Showcase 2017”: An event organised by students for students!

Closing the seminar, Dr Patsala provided her account of and experience of the SURE Scheme as a Supervisor, focusing on the benefits of student-supervisor collaboration, and highlighting how (through opportunities such as this) students are contributing to actual research from a very early stage in their academic studies. Suffice to say, the opportunity should not be missed!

As Maria Gourmou stated, “The SURE project was an amazing experience that offered me so much knowledge in my field of studies. I discovered my passion for research and identified the path that I want to follow after graduation. It is definitely a worthwhile experience and I urge all students to try it out!”

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