An exciting Personal & Professional Development Seminar by Ms. Maria Theologidou in the English Studies Dept.
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An exciting Personal & Professional Development Seminar by Ms. Maria Theologidou in the English Studies Dept.

In order to match the International Faculty English Studies Department’s enthusiasm for the beginning of the new academic year, this year’s Personal and Professional Development Seminar Series was launched on Tuesday, October 24th, on a playful note, as the title of its first presentation – ‘Are you blogging to me?’ -  suggests.

An exciting Personal & Professional Development Seminar by Ms. Maria Theologidou in the English Studies Dept.

More specifically, Ms. Maria Theologidou shared with us in a her experience as an avid blogger, introducing the audience to ways in which blogging can be used as a means of inspiration in the EFL classroom as much as it can be employed as a means to elicit, enhance and evaluate students’ language skills. Specific suggestions were also offered related to types of activities that could be used in the classroom context or even the lecture hall.

The PPD Seminar Series in the English Studies Department constitutes of tri-weekly seminars that are targeted at broadening the ESD staff members and students’ horizons and enhancing their academic, personal and professional skills

Ms. Theologidou is a Part-time Lecturer in the English Studies Departmentof the International Faculty CITY College; she is also the General Secretary and e-bulletin Editor-in-chief for TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Northern Greece and an EFL teacher. We would like to sincerely thank Ms. Theologidou for her illuminating and, above all, fun contribution, as well as Dr Kelly Pasmatzi and Dr Vicky Papachristou, the coordinators of the Personal and Professional Development (PPD) Seminars.

The PPD Seminar Series in the English Studies Department constitutes of tri-weekly seminars that are targeted at broadening the ESD staff members and students’ horizons and enhancing their academic, personal and professional skills. These are meant to further expand the knowledge areas addressed by the Department’s curriculum and to offer students a varied skill set.  

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