Mr Liassides discusses advertising message appeals in MBA seminar in Lviv
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Mr Liassides discusses advertising message appeals in MBA seminar in Lviv

Mr. Chris Liassides, Senior Lecturer of CITY College’s Business Administration & Economics Department (BAED) successfully delivered an MBA seminar on advertising message appeals at the Western Ukrainian Office of the European Business Association (EBA) in Lviv.

Mr Liassides discusses advertising message appeals in MBA seminar in Lviv

In his presentation entitled ‘Message appeals: Grab your customers' attention’ Mr. Liassides shed light on the use of message appeals in communications, and more specifically in advertising. He discussed various message appeals, from celebrity endorsement and fear to humour and sex, giving examples of success stories involving various types of appeals in a number of industries.

Mr Liassides discusses advertising message appeals in MBA seminar in Lviv

The seminar was well-attended of managers and professionals in positions involved in marketing, sales as well as any other business department, since the topic discussed could be associated with other business functions.

Participants had the opportunity to get exposed to the types of message appeals, their significance, and appropriateness for various products and services. By the end of Mr. Liassides seminar they had a better understanding of handling similar communications' efforts and campaigns for maximum effectiveness.


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