Seminar on Rejection by the Psychology Department
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Seminar on Rejection by the Psychology Department

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Seminar on Rejection by the Psychology Department


Seminar Overview
Why does hearing “no” hurt so much? Who hasn’t been rejected? Fear of rejection is universal and a very common experience. MRI machines depicted that rejection activates the same areas of our brain as physical pain, which dates back to the first humans’ “herd” mentality. Long-lasting rejection has deep psychological effects and we all struggle to keep it out of our realm of experience. Taking back control of our life requires some social skills that would diminish our zero tolerance for rejection. By bolstering our self-worth or by strengthening our social connections we could use rejection to fuel our passion. An alternative perspective could link rejection to projection or even to protection. All these, and furthermore aspects will be discussed in a seminar organized by the Department of Psychology.


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