Exploring Neuromarketing: Trends and case studies in the century of the human brain
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Exploring Neuromarketing: Trends and case studies in the century of the human brain

  • A successful virtual event with participants from more than 20 countries
  • Experienced and well-recognised professionals from the industry shared their knowledge and expertise
  • New market research models, neuromarketing and research of the unconscious mind and emotions, consumer behaviour were explored

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Participants from more that 20 countries attended the online event on ‘Exploring Neuromarketing’ that was successfully organised by the Business Administration & Economics Department of CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, on Tuesday 12 April 2022. The event featured distinguished speakers who shared their expertise and valuable insights on the topic.

Dr Nikolaos DImitriadis, Programme Lead of the MSc in Neuromarketing at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus

Exploring Neuromarketing - online event by CITY College Europe CampusExploring Neuromarketing - online event by CITY College Europe Campus

During the event the latest developments and applications in the field of neuromarketing explored and case studies were presented by speakers. 

The keynote speakers of the event, Dr. Matt Johnson, Neuromarketing Professor, Hult International Business School and Dr Nikolaos DImitriadis, Programme Lead of the MSc in Neuromarketing at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus and Head of Neuro Consulting Optimal HR Group, brought valuable insights and presented very interesting case studies at the event.

Dr. Matt Johnson, Neuromarketing Professor, Hult International Business School - Exploring Neuromarketing event by CITY College Europe Campus

Titled ‘Exploring Neuromarketing-Trends and case studies in the century of the human brain’, the event was opened by Ms. Aggeliki Papakonstantinou, Head of the Business Administration & Economics Department of CITY who warmly welcomed all speakers and guests. Haris Lalatsis, Head of Education & Research Team, Marketing Club Greece, Carla Nagel, Executive Director, International Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA) and Caterina Garofalo, President of AINEM - Italian Association of Neuromarketing also addressed short welcomes.

Carla Nagel, Executive Director, International Neuromarketing Science & Business Association - Exploring Neuromarketing event by CITY College Europe CampusMagda Chourdaki, Customer Insights Manager at Dixons South East Europe (Kotsovolos) - Exploring Neuromarketing event by CITY College Europe Campus

During the event, the speakers shared their views and experiences on important issues of today’s marketing professionals such as new market research models, neuromarketing and research of the unconscious mind and emotions, consumer behaviour in times of crisis as well as and new technologies in marketing.

The panelists of the event, namely Magda Chourdaki, Customer Insights Manager at Dixons South East Europe (Kotsovolos), Maja Knezevic, Marketing Manager, Brand Strategy and Innovation, Atlantic Group and Ljubiša Egelja, Marketing Director, OTP Bank, Serbia, held a fruitful discussion and shared their experiences from their standpoint.

Ljubiša Egelja, Marketing Director, OTP Bank - Exploring Neuromarketing event by CITY College Europe CampusCaterina Garofalo, President of AINEM - Italian Association of Neuromarketing - Exploring Neuromarketing event by CITY College Europe Campus

The event came to interesting conclusions and important remarks. The speakers concluded that:

  • Businesses have now realised that customer responses to traditional research are not sufficient to fully understand the market.
  • Neuromarketing is essential as a scientific methodology to uncover consumer decisions and behaviour.
  • The results of neuromarketing research are easy-to-understand by marketing executives, and they have immediate application that lead to measurable and better results.
  • Consumer experience is where market research should be focused on. 

«The world changes, technology changes, peoples’ behaviour changes and marketing changes too», said Dr Nikolaos DImitriadis. Dr Dimitriadis is Programme Lead of the MSc in Neuromarketing  programme offered by CITY College in Thessaloniki.

The event was supported by the International Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA), the Italian Association of Neuromarketing (AINEM), Marketing Club Greece and Optimal HR Group.


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Supported by:

The Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA)The Italian Neuromarketing Association (AINEM)Optimal HR GroupMarketing Club Greece


Tuesday, 12 April 2022 | 17:00-19:00

Exploring Neuromarketing: Trends and case studies in the century of the human brain


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Matt Johnson

Dr. Matt Johnson
Neuromarketing Professor, Hult International Business School
Author of “Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes our Brains”.
Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis

Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis
Programme Lead of MSc in Neuromarketing, CITY College, University of York Europe Campus
Head of Neuro Consulting Optimal HR Group



Magda Chourdaki

Magda Chourdaki
Customer Insights Manager at Dixons South East Europe (Kotsovolos)
Maja Knezevic

Maja Knezevic
Marketing Manager, Brand Strategy and Innovation, Atlantic Group
Ljubisa Egelja

Ljubiša Egelja
Marketing Director, OTP Bank, Serbia


Welcome Addresses

Haris Lalatsis

Haris Lalatsis
Head of Education & Research Team, Marketing Club Greece
Carla Nagel

Carla Nagel
Executive Director, International Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA)
Caterina Garofalo

Caterina Garofalo
President of AINEM - Italian Association of Neuromarketing


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Event Overview

The 21st century has been described as the century of the human brain. This is a result of the developments of modern neuroscience which, with new methodologies and technologies, have managed to unlock many secrets of the brain. Important questions about how the brain takes decisions and what influences how we behave have now reliable answers through modern neuroscientific research.

Marketing, in its continuous efforts to better understand the buying behaviour and decision making of customers, has embraced the neuroscientific method. Neuromarketing is a modern market research approach which uses tools that read the reactions of the human brain and body, so that brands can gain a deeper understanding of whether their campaigns will be effective or not in the marketplace.

Neuromarketing is emerging as a necessary approach in decoding buying behaviour, since 95% of all our decisions are taken in our unconscious mind, and some decisions are even taken by our brains up to 11 seconds before we are consciously aware of them.

The main goal of the event is to present the latest developments in the field of neuromarketing and to explore its best application through real case studies from the market. Marketing professionals from major brands will share their experience about the use of neuromarketing in five key parameters:

  • Why did they choose to use neuromarketing?
  • Where have they used it?
  • What were the results?
  • How has the use of neuromarketing changed their business and mindset?
  • What do they believe is the future of neuromarketing and market research?

The official language of the event is English.



17:00-17:15 Welcome addresses
17.00 Haris Lalatsis, Head of Education & Research Team, Marketing Club Greece
17.05 Carla Nagel, Executive Director, International Neuromarketing Science & Business Association (NMSBA)
17.10 Caterina Garofalo, President of AINEM - Italian Association of Neuromarketing


17.15-17.30 Keynote Speech
Dr. Matt Johnson, Neuromarketing Professor at Hult International Business School and author of “Blindsight: The (Mostly) Hidden Ways Marketing Reshapes our Brains”.
Speech title: Neuromarketing and The Future of Consumer Behavior


17.30-17.45 Keynote Speech
Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis, Programme Lead of MSc in Neuromarketing CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, Head of Neuro Consulting Optimal HR Group
Speech Title: Neuromarketing: Understanding Customers in the Century of the Human Brain


17.45-18.45 Panel Discussion
Neuromarketing in Action: My Experience with Neuromarketing
Moderator: Dr. Nikolaos Dimitriadis

Magda Chourdaki, Customer Insights Manager at Dixons South East Europe (Kotsovolos)

Maja Knezevic, Marketing Manager, Brand Strategy and Innovation, Atlantic Group

Ljubiša Egelja, Marketing Director, OTP Bank, Serbia


18.45-19.00 Q&A Session and closing remarks
* Send us your questions for the Q&A session: Do you have questions for our speakers? If yes, please email them at events@york.citycollege.eu. Our speakers will answer your question(s) at the Q&A session. You may send your questions prior or during the event.



Supported by:

The Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA)The Italian Neuromarketing Association (AINEM)Optimal HR GroupMarketing Club Greece



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Note: The event is going to take place online and will be broadcast through Live-streaming. Registered participants will receive the link of the event a few days before it takes place.


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